Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Diva is Born!!

I am aware that you already know this, but it's my turn to spread the good news! For unto you this day, in a small town in Arkansas, a child has been born. And she shall be called wonderful, beautiful, miracle, and princess of the divas...Ayla Faith Creamer!

We rejoice in God's gift!!!

Mother and Child

The Shepherds Watching Over Their FlockLoving the Bath Already the DivaZee Doc-Tor Zonked ZzzzzzzHmmm...What Shall I Do Now?Practicing Her Sleeping Skills as a Nun

Did I Mention That She Likes to Sleep?

Sleeping ala Floof

We Think She Has Her Sleeping Skills Mastered (during the day) Scrappy Tries Out the Boppy

Thanking the Lord for Ayla Faith - and for all of you who prayed her here!